Denim, top - Newhouse, Polo - Peek&Cloppenburg, Shoes/cipőegi barkács, bracelet/karkötő - vintage |
A Newhouse üzletben jártam (végkiárusítanak), és féláron beszereztem a kívánságlistámból egy lenvászon ruhát és ezt a fehér farmert, megspékelve még egy piros toppal. A hűvös balaton-parti estére tekintettel ezúttal egy garbót vettem fel további rétegnek.
A héten ismét részt veszek Not Dead yet Style Patty Visisble Monday társasági eseményén!
Last week I bought two pieces from my whish-list from Newhouse final sale :( everything is 50% off now. One of them is this white denim. I also acquired a linen dress, and in addition this red top.(Which was not on my list, but why not?) For the cool Balaton lakeside evening I put on this dark blue polo neck.
This time I join again to Patty's Visible Monday on Not Dear Yet Style!
Wonderful white jeans, GeeGee - such a classic look with your black sweater. Thanks for linking up your look with Visible Monday.
VálaszTörlésBlack turtle neck and white pants is so Audrey Hepburn! You look so chic here! Dropping by from the link and swing by my page when you can :)
If I may be as Cher in "Tea with Mussolini" than you're like Audrey Hepburn when she sits in the window and sings in Breakfast at Tiffanys!
VálaszTörlésReally, I thought of Audrey Hepburn immediately as well, but couldn't match it to a specific memory of her ... just her general look and demeanor. You look wonderful in white jeans!
VálaszTörlésWhat a lovely, simple and timeless outfit, you look very graceful in those beautiful jeans.
VálaszTörlésI'm visiting you as a fellow Visible Monday blogger, do pop by and check out my outfit if you get the time!
Régen volt fehér farmerem, de nagyon szerettem, mindenhez passzol :-)
VálaszTörlésI adore the way the white denim looks with the black turtleneck- somehow very Audrey Hepburn to me. Chic!