2013. május 22., szerda

Blue and red

Ezt a ruhát vagy 15 éve vettem a Ledényi Szalonban. (Meglepetésemre még mindig működik!) Akkor még nem fogalmazódott meg bennem, hogy tulajdonképpen az un. "örök darabokat" keresem, de ez a ruha kiállta az idők próbáját. Tetszik a minimalista szabás, amelybe mégis csempésztek némi játékosságot. Én meg hozzátettem egy kis pirosat, mert amúgy nagyon szürkén érezném magam.

Another office wear. I bought this dress some 15 years ago at Ledényi's. that has been working since the late communist time. However, the city center shop must have been moved to a mall, but surprisingly, still alive - survived the spread of chain brands.
This is a forever piece, I like the minimal tayloring dissolved by the play of layers. To avoid being too monotone, I added just a little bit of red.

5 megjegyzés:

  1. This is an elegant dress that doesn't look being bought 15 years ago. I like that you added hints of red colour to the look.

  2. I love the minimalist cut too, and the red accents look amazing with the dress)


  3. Love this look! You can wear this outfit for many years. It was a great style, much like 1960's sportswear! You look polished and classic.

    blue hue wonderland

  4. Very sophisticated! What a fabulous look for the office, you look great.

  5. Hi, I am new here. You are looking very stylish indeed!
