2013. szeptember 8., vasárnap

Cobbled street in sunshine

Fine Knitted dress/kötött ruha - Szidonia Szép

Ehhez nincs mit hozzátenni... A Szép Szidónia ruhát az Ourstyle Boutique-ban vettem, nagyon kedvező áron.

Ma ismét részt veszek Patty Visible Monday eseményén. Látogassátok meg!

No comment... I wear one of my favourite piece from Szidonia Szép. That came from the August sales, it is soft and so special, knitted from fine bio cotton.

Today I finally participate Patty's Visible Monday. Please check it!

5 megjegyzés:

  1. Welcome to Visible Monday, GeeGee! I love your simple, stunning dress.

  2. I love the lbd (I think the color of your dress is black). I like these little gems as simple and elegant. This dress is very beautiful and you are attractive to him.

  3. Nagyon jó a ruha, igazi alapdarab!

  4. Beautiful backgrounds! And this simple black dress is an ideal choice for hot summer days.

  5. What a versatile little black dress ... you'll wear it forever. Every summer! Nice that you kept it simple with cleans lines and all black. Sophisticated!
