2013. június 17., hétfő





Dress/ruha - custom made
Slipper/papucs - Jackpot from 2003
Bracelet/karkötő - Vintage

Íme a kedvenc ruhám! Eléggé agyonhordott, még 1997-ben csináltattam egy Burda szabásminta alapján vörös santungból. Tavaly nem hordtam, de most belefogytam. A hossza miatt is voltak kétségeim, de szerintem egyáltalán nem gáz, nyugodtam hordhatom munkába is.
Ismét csatlakozom Patty Not Dead Yet Style Visible Monday posztjához. Nézzetek be ti is!
Look at my favourite dress! It is a custom-made piece from 1997, upon a Burda pattern from red shantung. Almost worn to death, but still love it!
Shots were taken at the entrace to the Marathon Gate of the largest arena in Hungary, were built in 1950 in empire (Sowiet)-style, and now sentenced to be demolished... (Why-why-why? This is the part of our history, it cannot be undone.)
Today I am linking to Patty'sVisible Monday on Not Dead Yet Stile. Check the stylish participants!

7 megjegyzés:

  1. you are right in loving that dress so much! And your wear also a pair of delightful shoes...

  2. Great dress! So classic, I would have never guessed it was from 1987!

  3. Love this classic dress, I can see why you have enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday.

  4. Nagyon jó ez a ruha, most kedvet is kaptam egy kis varráshoz, a 97 körüli Burdák olyan jók voltak, egy-kettő még nekem is van :-)

  5. Red! Yes! And you look great in this very pretty dress. I especially like the louche little mules. Sophisticated but not fussy with your dress.
    Have a great week!

  6. You have many beautiful summer dresses!

  7. This red dress is lovely! You live in such a beautiful place with history everywhere. Love the mules and bracelet, simplicity at it's best!

    blue hue wonderland
