2013. november 22., péntek
2013. november 19., kedd
Buenos Aires II.
2013. november 18., hétfő
Buenos Aires I.
I am back from my dear Buenos Aires. I spent ther 3 weeks - well, it is not really true, as I visited Tigre, Mendoza and Santiago de Chile.
I really felt in love with the city, I cannot wait to see again. In Buenos Aires, my usual day looked like this: waking up around 11 a.m., then I went to a café to have my regular café con leche con media lunas, than I visited some of the main attractions. My daily route was usually decided at the café table! Than I returned to my appartement, had some rest and went to a milonga (tango bar, often with classes before), or see other fun, such as opera, tango show, or - in Santiago - visit my primary school friend (her family fled from the junta in 1973 to Hungary).
I travelled totally alone, just for the first three days I availed a Hungarian guide living in Argentina. This time I clarified some question, and I strengtheened my personality and my feminity. I think, I'll never be the same after this trip. I misss South-Amerika so much and waiting for the return (planned for next year).
Bad news, that the first morning I got my job termination. Now I should find something quickly in order to menage to execute my plan. I decided to learn Spannish and I'll enthusiasticaly visit tango facilities in Budapest.
Now I publish some pictures. I rent a stylish apartemement in San Telmo district - the oldest part of this amazing city, full of colonial buidings, bars, milonga places - I took many shots, so I'll show you them quite seperately!
From Buenos Aires with love!
I am back from my dear Buenos Aires. I spent ther 3 weeks - well, it is not really true, as I visited Tigre, Mendoza and Santiago de Chile.
I really felt in love with the city, I cannot wait to see again. In Buenos Aires, my usual day looked like this: waking up around 11 a.m., then I went to a café to have my regular café con leche con media lunas, than I visited some of the main attractions. My daily route was usually decided at the café table! Than I returned to my appartement, had some rest and went to a milonga (tango bar, often with classes before), or see other fun, such as opera, tango show, or - in Santiago - visit my primary school friend (her family fled from the junta in 1973 to Hungary).
I travelled totally alone, just for the first three days I availed a Hungarian guide living in Argentina. This time I clarified some question, and I strengtheened my personality and my feminity. I think, I'll never be the same after this trip. I misss South-Amerika so much and waiting for the return (planned for next year).
Bad news, that the first morning I got my job termination. Now I should find something quickly in order to menage to execute my plan. I decided to learn Spannish and I'll enthusiasticaly visit tango facilities in Budapest.
Now I publish some pictures. I rent a stylish apartemement in San Telmo district - the oldest part of this amazing city, full of colonial buidings, bars, milonga places - I took many shots, so I'll show you them quite seperately!
From Buenos Aires with love!
Bridges in La Boca |
El Caminito in La Boca |
La Boca |
Open air gallery in La Boca |
La Boca window |
At the Boca Juniors stadion |
La Boca roof |
2013. október 7., hétfő
Boyfriend coat - or whatever
Coat/kabát - from the spring of 2000. dress/ruha,sweater/pulóver, necklace/lánc - H&M, blouse - thrifted, ankle boots/bokacsizma - Humanic, tights/harisnya - Calzedonia, bag/táska - Marni for H&M |
Ez a szürke gyapjúkabát volt az én kismama kabátom 2000 tavaszán! Utána még évekig hordtam, aztán felraktam az előszoba szekrény felső sorába, nejlonba szépen beakasztva, időnként molyirtót fújva rá. Mostanában, a divat oldalakat nézegetve többször hivatkoztak az un. boyfriend kabátra (íjjjjj, de erőltetett!), és mindig ez a darabom ugrott be, úgyhogy elhatároztam, előszedem, ha lesz megfelelő szettem hozzá. A molyok ugyan megkezdték, de épp hogy csak... én látom, majd kijavítom magam. Egy vagy 15 éve turkált műselyem blúzt vettem egy strandruha alá, rá meg egy szintén nem mostani H&M hosszúujjast. (Még akkor vettem Bécsben, amikor itt nem volt H&M, mégpedig a Grabenen - tényleg, mit keres ott egy ilyen tömegmárka üzlete?!) Ezen kívül vastag harisnyával és bokacsizmával téliesítettem az összeállítást.
A mai nap ismét csatlakozom Patty Visible Monday partijához, lessetek be ti is!
I bought this dark grey wool coat during my second pregnancy in the early spring of 2000 and has been worn for years. Then I put it up into my wardrobe and let hanging by now, as I found quite fashionable again. Here I combined with a long ago thrifted synthetic silk blouse, a beach dress and winterized by thick tights and ankle boots.
Do not look at my tired face (I mean tha visible part of it)! I am heading to a longer vacation from next week, I just need to survive until then!
Today I join Patty's Visible Monday again, thanks for the chance! Check all the magnificient ladies!
2013. október 2., szerda
How I wear my animal print
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Blaser, jeans - Jackpot, cardigan - Ilse Jacobsen, shoes/cipő - old, from Skála |
Verőfényes őszi nap nem sok adatott idén meg.pedig nekem a kedvenc időszakom. Így is október végi összeállítást hordok: gyapjúkardigánt és tweed zakót. Jóhír, hogy nem vág már be nadrágom, amelyet újabban ezzel a régi, több, mint 15 évvel ezelőtt vásárol cipővel hordok.
A fénykép Adrienne és Jill sorozatának apropóján került be ide. Havonta egy-egy témára építve teszik ki a bloggerek fényképét, amelyen épp a középpontban álló darabokat viselik. Októberben az állatminta volt soron. Én nem szeretem igazán, viszont tényleg elképesztő kreatív öltözékeket látni a fotókon.
I love golding fall sun, although this September has not enadled to enjoy it. I hae wear end of October outfits, like here. Recently I fished my old half-sandals out from my wardrobe. They are more, than 15 years old,, snake printed and I thought it will be perfect for Adrienne and Jill How I wear my series. This month, they are focusing to animal print, which has never been my favourite, however, on the photos sent by boggers you can check some excellent idea to built in to your outfits.
2013. október 1., kedd
2013. szeptember 30., hétfő
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